
Are you interested in exhibiting during the JiA-fair 2022?

JiA-dagarna är Juridiska Föreningen i Lunds arbetsmarknadsdagar som 2023 anordnas 26e oktober till 2 november. JiA-mässan 2023 går av stapeln den 2 november inne på AF-borgen i Lund. I början av sommaren kommer vi skicka ut inbjudningar via E-mail. Om ni är intresserade av att få en inbjudan skickad till er kan ni höra av er till If you got an invitation to the fair last year you will also get sent an invitation this year (observe that the invitation will be sent to the same email as last year).

In the invitation there will be more general information about this year's JiA-days and a product catalog where it will state the different fair packages and other possibilities to exposure and student contact that we offer this year. Attached will also be a sign up link which you use to sign up and tell us which fair package you want. Sign ups close at the end of summer and when we have made sure we can offer a fair space we will be sending a formal booking confirmation and added information about the process going forward. If you have any more questions or wonderings about participating in the JiA-fair just contact us at

Vi ser fram emot att höra från er och förhoppningsvis se er i AF-borgen i november!